Did you know that it’s possible to turn your experience and expertise you already have into a

successful training and coaching business? You could impact hundreds or even thousands of people

around the world while earning a second income that grows every month.


Are you passionate about helping others? Are you an expert in your field? Do you have insight into what it takes to

succeed and win? Can you communicate your knowledge and inspire others to achieve their best?


“When you’re doing something you love, it doesn’t feel like work.”


Congratulations! You have everything it takes to be a really good coach or trainer!


The biggest difference between really good trainers and great trainers is the number of people they impact, and able to influence others to make positive transformation in life!


If you’re a good trainer, it doesn’t matter if you’re training Little League or the Major Leagues

- you’ll find a way to win. But the great trainers are those who make a difference in thousands of lives.


We think you have what it takes to be a great trainer… You just don’t know it yet.


The trick is learning to do what you already do on a much larger scale. You probably work regularly

in one-on-one or small group settings. But because you only have so many hours in the day, working with

just a few people at a time limits your impact - and your earning potential. However, partner and associate

with others given a larger scale platform, you’ll have the power to work with people all over the world

who are interested in your area of expertise.


We are certain that through your efforts in accumulating experiences and learning through your life

specialize on an area makes you who you are today, a great professional practitioner.

You can make life more valuable through contributing your knowledge, skills, experiences and expertise,

and converting them into a systemize transformation program to help others leapfrog.


Over the past decades, we have trained over thousands of international professional trainers

within ASIA PACIFIC region, with over 90% business practitioners transformed to be successful professional trainers or elevated in their career in the senior management positions.





Why ICT Good to Great Transformation Program successful helped corporates, organizations and individuals

elevate from good to great performance and make positive transformation?


Among other things, the Good to Great Transformation Program allows you to…


Certified Professional Trainers


To Enable from Good to Great results; Enhance training effectiveness and Influence others to make positive transformation, trainers and/or coaches associate partners are require to complete the ICT certified professional trainers and coaches programs. 


ICT offer you,


ü Design own sets of knowledge and skills based program

ü Acquire and adopt the ICT good to great model with

      accelerated action learning methodologies

ü Get certified as professional trainers and/or coaches



Knowledge & Experience Transfer


International accreditation combining different levels of qualifications: gold award, silver, platinum, master trainer. Assessment based on results.


ICT offer you,


ü Transform and acquire training and coaching experiences

      through real life practical sessions

ü Get international accreditation and qualified for different





Systemize Platform


Among other things, you are supported for copyrights licensing.


Through working with ICT, we work with you to,


ü License your programs and materials after accreditation

      for its effectiveness

ü Gaining recurring licensing fee through selling and

      marketing your developed programs

ü Work with ICT as trainer and/or coach associates





Marketing, Branding & Channels Support


ICT work with various partners to market, branding and promote programs and solutions to organizations looking for transforming from good to great.


You do not now need to do everything on your own from product development, production, marketing, selling and servicing.


You could focus on,


ü R&D production

ü Training and coaching service

ü Technical support









With the increasing demand internationally especially in the emerging markets, we are keen to work with local and international strategic partners, business practitioner to explore new opportunities in collaborations.


If you are interested to, work with us as professional trainers, coaches or consultants associates,

get an international professional certified qualification and sitting on our fair, supportive and valuable platform,

join us in serving more people, giving our values.


We could explore the opportunity to work together,



Associate Trainer and/or Coach


Join ICT as associate trainer and/or coach, replicate the Good to Great Transformation program and offer services to more people.


ICT offer you,


ü The G2G Transformation TTT program with trainer’s

      instruction guides

ü ICT or you may promote the G2G Transformation

      program to your customer pool and get paid for the

      proportion shares






Subject Matter Expert Author and/or Editor


Contribute your expertise (knowledge, skills, experiences) in specialize area through participating in content writing and designing of programs and curriculums.


ICT offer you,


ü Review, edit, improve and accredit for your final work for

      its proof of effectiveness

ü Publish, market and branding for the end products and/or


ü Jointly establish programs’ TTT certification

ü Offer licensing fee on programs’ delivery with



Incorporate ICT G2Gmodel into your training


Join us in the certified professional trainers and/or coaches program, learn, acquire and adopt from good to great transformation model and accelerated learning methodologies, make your training and coaching service offer more practical and enhance the result based effectiveness.


ICT offer you,


ü Acquire and adopt the ICT good to great model with

     accelerated action learning methodologies

ü Get certified as professional trainers and/or coaches





Acquire ICT G2Glicensed programs


Acquire and adopt ICT’s from good to great transformation licensed program, make your training and coaching service offer more practical and enhance the result based effectiveness.


ICT offer you,


ü Acquire and adopt the ICT good to great licensed


ü Get certified as professional trainers and/or coaches

ü Provide series of licensed programs incl. materials,

      instruction guide, tools and system








Today, we continues to help corporations, organizations and individuals to gain more freedom, happiness and better results through better learning effectiveness with real-life application, transform from good to great performances.


While traditional training suppliers focus on selling celebrity trainer or sellable products,

we leverage a far more effective business model to provide customers’ driven solutions and platform to support our customer’s accelerative and sustainable growth

– one that grounded training with real-life application and produce highly effective results.


These days, our business model isn’t just changing the training industry

– it’s helping thousands of people transform from good to great and helping organizations improved competitive advantages and sustainable viability.



Partner with ICT


If you are interested to be part of this exciting opportunity, do drop us a note today, we welcome to explore further opportunities with you, kindly click here to drop us a note and we will get in touch with you asap.